Essential tips to choose Muay Thai gear and equipment from Super Export Shop | SUPER EXPORT SHOP

Essential tips to choose Muay Thai gear and equipment from Super Export Shop

If you are into martial arts, you probably ask yourself several questions. How to buy the best Muay Thai equipment? What are the essential things to look for when buying Muay Thai equipment?  How to find the best quality Muay Thai gear? Where can I find handmade Muay Thai equipment? Let our experienced SXS in-store sales assistants help you to chose it for you.

 If you want to get the best results from your training, it is important to select the appropriate Muay Thai gear and equipment. Getting the correct equipment at the beginning is a must.

Psychologists say that dressing influences the perception of one’s potential. What do you think about it? 

How to choose Muay Thai Shorts

1. Comfort

Muay Thai incorporates lots of kneeing and kicking, so make sure you buy the appropriate Muay Thai style shorts. Muay Thai shorts are designed specifically to facilitate leg movements, so avoid using shorts that will restrict these movements.

2. Copy your Muay Thai idols. Look at how they dress, how they behave and how they train.

3. Select a well know brand, which ultimately guarantees a better-quality product.

4. Don’t accept compromises. Buying a better-quality product might cost more initially but in the long run it will work out cheaper. We recommend that all levels of fighters should have a minimum of 3-6 pairs of shorts.

Check out our SUPER EXPORT SHOP website and be blown away with the huge selection of global brands available. We have what you need.

How to choose Muay Thai Gloves

1. Quality prevails

All Good quality Muay Thai gloves have one important characteristic, which is the ability to allow the wearer to open their hands completely. This feature provides the wrist and knuckles with additional protection.  Better quality gloves are also lightweight and retain their shape for longer.

2. Comfort again

Whether you are a beginner or an elite fighter our advice is to never compromise on the comfort and protection you need. Be prepared to spend at least $80 to $140 per pair of gloves. Select gloves that fit properly, which provide extra space for the hand wraps, which won’t restrict the flow of blood in your hand and which are lightweight and long lasting.


Let our staff show you the benefits and features of all the top brands which we stock: Booster, King Pro Boxing, Twins Special, Top Kings, etc. and also help you select the correct size.

Enjoy your shopping at SUPER EXPORT SHOP! We have what you need!



13 条评论





Great tips. Thanks

Paul Mullally
